energy efficiency

Law to Prevent and Control Light Pollution

Name of Act
Law to prevent and control light pollution
Date of Adoption
EU Member

The presented law establishes a regulatory framework for addressing light pollution in the country, aiming to improve the quality of human life and wildlife by preventing health risks, promoting energy efficiency, ensuring road safety, and avoiding landscape alteration. The law applies to various sources of light pollution, including lighting from sports, industrial, productive, and service activities, as well as outdoor advertising elements and public road lighting. It outlines obligations for different entities, including owners of outdoor advertising elements, electrical energy distribution concessionaires, and owners of sports, industrial, productive, and service activities, and includes provisions for regulatory functions, monitoring, control, and sanctions.

Liguria Regional Regulation 5/09

Name of Act
Liguria Regional Regulation 5/09 of 15/09/2009 on the Containment of Light Pollution and Energy Saving pursuant to Article 2, Paragraph 1, Letter. b) of the Regional Law of 29 May 2007, N.22 (Regulations on energy)
Date of Adoption
EU Member

This law aims to restrict light pollution and minimize energy consumption resulting from outdoor lighting.

Friuli Venezia Giulia Regional Law 15/07

Name of Act
Friuli Venezia Giulia Regional Law 15/07 of 18/06/07 on Urgent Measures Regarding the Containment of Light Pollution, for Energy Saving in Outdoor Lighting and for the Protection of the Environment and the Activity Carried out by Astronomical Observatories
Date of Adoption
EU Member

This law aims to: a) Reduce light and optical pollution, along with associated energy consumption. b) Standardize design criteria to enhance the quality of light in road traffic safety systems. c) Safeguard scientific and public research activities conducted by astronomical observatories from light pollution. d) Protect the natural environment, including territory, the natural rhythms of animal and plant species, and ecological balances inside and outside protected areas from light pollution. e) Preserve the night sky for the entire population. f) Disseminate awareness of light pollution issues and train technicians in the lighting sector. The law recognizes the starry sky as a natural heritage to be conserved and enriched.

Puglia Regional Law 15/05

Name of Act
Puglia Regional Law 15/05 of 23/11/05 on Urgent Measures to Contain Light Pollution and Energy Saving
Date of Adoption
EU Member

In the pursuit of safeguarding environmental values for the sustainable development of the regional community, the Region actively encourages the reduction of light pollution and the associated energy consumption. This initiative is geared towards the preservation and protection of the natural environment, encompassing both designated territories and areas outside protected natural zones. Any alterations of natural lighting levels, particularly the dispersal of artificial light beyond its designated areas, are classified as light pollution. This classification is particularly applicable when the light is oriented above the horizon line.

Umbria Regional Law 20/05

Name of Act
Umbria Regional Law 20/05 of 28/02/05 on the Prevention of Light Pollution and Energy Saving
Date of Adoption
EU Member

This law aims to restrict light pollution and minimize energy consumption resulting from external lighting. The objective is to facilitate the advancement of scientific and public research conducted by both public and private astronomical observatories, while also enabling the appreciation of the starry sky as an integral element of the regional landscape heritage. For the purposes of this legislation, light pollution is defined as any artificial light radiation dispersed outside its designated functional areas or directed above the horizon line.

Abruzzo Regional Law 12/05

Name of Act
Abruzzo Regional Law 12/05 of 03/03/05 on Urgent Measures to Address Light Pollution and Save Energy
Date of Adoption
EU Member

Promotes the reduction of light pollution and associated energy consumption to conserve the natural environment, including territory, the rhythms of animal and plant species, and ecological balances inside and outside protected natural areas. Additionally, it seeks to protect the night sky as a natural heritage, ensuring citizen health and supporting scientific research and outreach activities of astronomical observatories listed in Annex A of this law.

Valle d'Aosta Regional Law 17/98

Name of Act
Valle d'Aosta Regional Law 17/98 of 28/04/1998 Rules on External Lighting
Date of Adoption
EU Member

The objectives of this law include: a) limiting light pollution within the regional territory; b) safeguarding nocturnal fauna and migratory routes of avifauna from the effects of light pollution; c) protecting both professional and non-professional astronomical observatories, along with their surroundings, from the impacts of light pollution. According to this legislation, any form of artificial light irradiation outside its designated functional areas, especially towards the celestial vault, is deemed light pollution. The law specifies exemptions for certain lighting sources, which fall outside the scope of the regulation.

Piedmont Regional Law 31/00

Name of Act
Piedmont Regional Law 31/00 of 24/03/2000 on the Prevention and Fighting of Light Pollution and for the Correct Use of Energy Resources
Date of Adoption
EU Member

This law is designed to achieve the following objectives: a) Decrease light and optical pollution by comprehensively rationalizing public lighting services, with a specific focus on minimizing consumption and enhancing the luminous efficiency of systems. b) Safeguard the natural biorhythms of plants and animals, especially the migratory routes of avifauna, by addressing and mitigating the impacts of light pollution. c) Enhance the environment by upholding the ecological balance of protected natural areas. d) Mitigate glare and visual fatigue stemming from light pollution, contributing to an improvement in road traffic safety. e) Protect the sites hosting both professional and non-professional astronomical observatories of regional or provincial significance, as well as their surroundings, from the detrimental effects of light pollution. f) Improve the quality of life and conditions within urban centers while enhancing the preservation of monumental and architectural environmental assets.