
Artificial Light Pollution Prevention Act

Name of Act
Artificial Light Pollution Prevention Act
Date of Adoption
EU Member

The Act aims to mitigate harm to public health and the environment resulting from excessive light radiation. It establishes a framework for the management of artificial lighting to create a healthy and comfortable living environment for citizens. The act outlines the responsibilities of the state and local governments, mandates the establishment of light pollution prevention plans, and designates lighting environment management areas with permissible light radiation standards. It also includes provisions for penalties, fines, and the establishment of committees to oversee the implementation of the light pollution prevention plan.

Law to Prevent and Control Light Pollution

Name of Act
Law to prevent and control light pollution
Date of Adoption
EU Member

The presented law establishes a regulatory framework for addressing light pollution in the country, aiming to improve the quality of human life and wildlife by preventing health risks, promoting energy efficiency, ensuring road safety, and avoiding landscape alteration. The law applies to various sources of light pollution, including lighting from sports, industrial, productive, and service activities, as well as outdoor advertising elements and public road lighting. It outlines obligations for different entities, including owners of outdoor advertising elements, electrical energy distribution concessionaires, and owners of sports, industrial, productive, and service activities, and includes provisions for regulatory functions, monitoring, control, and sanctions.

Decree on Prevention and Limitation of Light Pollution

Name of Act
Decree No. 2011-831 on the prevention and limitation of light pollution
Date of Adoption
EU Member

The decree defines the lighting installations and the equipment of which they can be constituted concerned by the regulations. It specifies the conditions under which its requirements can be adapted to the characteristics of the areas where these installations are located. It gives competence to the minister responsible for the environment and the prefect to prohibit or limit the operation over time of certain lighting installations. Finally, it gives the competent authority the possibility of sanctioning infractions of the regulations with an administrative fine. Provide several approaches to light pollution mitigation according to various types of lighting installations.