lighting standard

Law to Prevent and Control Light Pollution

Name of Act
Law to prevent and control light pollution
Date of Adoption
EU Member

The presented law establishes a regulatory framework for addressing light pollution in the country, aiming to improve the quality of human life and wildlife by preventing health risks, promoting energy efficiency, ensuring road safety, and avoiding landscape alteration. The law applies to various sources of light pollution, including lighting from sports, industrial, productive, and service activities, as well as outdoor advertising elements and public road lighting. It outlines obligations for different entities, including owners of outdoor advertising elements, electrical energy distribution concessionaires, and owners of sports, industrial, productive, and service activities, and includes provisions for regulatory functions, monitoring, control, and sanctions.

Law on the Protection of the Environment

Name of Act
Law on the Protection of the Environment
Date of Adoption
EU Member

The country develops and adopts standards for lighting in residential areas and in public places. Article 37: indicates the need to limit noise, light and heat which adversely affect the surrounding environment and employees. Article 85: Everyone should follow environmental lighting standards and should reduce lighting according to permitted levels.

Decree on Establishing Standards for the Regulation of Light Pollution

Name of Act
Decree N43 on establishing Standards for the Regulation of Light Pollution
Date of Adoption
EU Member

This regulation was adopted in 2012 and was at the beginning applied only in the Atacama, Antofagasta and Coquimbo regions (north). In 2023, new amendments were approved, extending this regulation to the entire national territory, including new technical requirements and the incorporation of biodiversity as an object of protection.