cultural heritage

Umbria Regional Law 20/05

Name of Act
Umbria Regional Law 20/05 of 28/02/05 on the Prevention of Light Pollution and Energy Saving
Date of Adoption
EU Member

This law aims to restrict light pollution and minimize energy consumption resulting from external lighting. The objective is to facilitate the advancement of scientific and public research conducted by both public and private astronomical observatories, while also enabling the appreciation of the starry sky as an integral element of the regional landscape heritage. For the purposes of this legislation, light pollution is defined as any artificial light radiation dispersed outside its designated functional areas or directed above the horizon line.

Campania Regional Law 12/02

Name of Act
Campania Regional Law 12/02 of 25/07/02 on the Containment of Light Pollution and Energy Consumption from Public and Private Outdoor Lighting for the Protection of the Environment, Astronomical Observations Carried out by Professional and Amature Astronomers, and for the Proper Protection of Historical Centers
Date of Adoption
EU Member

The objectives of this legislation are as follows: a) To achieve a reduction in energy consumption and prevent light pollution stemming from the utilization of outdoor (external) lighting systems of all types, including advertising. b) To establish consistent design criteria aimed at enhancing the light quality of safety systems for road traffic, as well as promoting the improvement of urban centers and the preservation of the cultural and architectural heritage within the Campania Region. c) To safeguard professional astronomical observatories and amateur ones of regional or provincial significance from the adverse effects of light pollution. d) To protect the natural environment and preserve the natural biorhythms of animal and plant species. e) To promote public awareness of issues related to light pollution and facilitate the training of technicians within public administrations in this field.