
Law on Environmental Planning of Lighting for the Protection of the Night Environment

Name of Act
Law 6/2001 on Environmental Planning of Lighting for the Protection of the Night Environment
Date of Adoption
EU Member

The object of this Law is the regulation of exterior and interior lighting installations and devices, with regard to the light pollution they may produce. The purposes of this Law are: a) Maintain the natural conditions of the night hours as much as possible, for the benefit of fauna, flora and ecosystems, in general; b) Promote the energy efficiency of exterior and interior lighting through energy savings, without reducing security; c) Avoid light intrusion into the domestic environment and, in any case, minimize its inconvenience and damage; d) Prevent and correct the effects of light pollution on the vision of the sky.

Law on Climate Change and Energy Transition

Name of Act
Law 4/2022 on Climate Change and Energy Transition
Date of Adoption
EU Member

The purpose of this Foral Law is to establish a regulatory, institutional and instrumental framework to specify in the Foral Community of Navarra its contribution to the commitment to sustainability and the fight against climate change, facilitating the transition towards a new socioeconomic and energy model. with a low-carbon economy, based on efficiency and renewable energies so that the rational and supportive use of natural resources is guaranteed, and adapted to climate effects. Includes provisions to reduce the use of artificial lighting.

Law on the Prevention of Light Pollution

Name of Act
Law 6/2006 on the prevention of Light Pollution
Date of Adoption
EU Member

The purpose of this Law is to regulate lighting installations and devices to prevent and, where appropriate, reduce light pollution in the territory of the Autonomous Community of Cantabria, as well as promote the efficiency and energy savings of lighting systems, and all this without compromising the safety that lighting must provide to pedestrians, vehicles and property.

Royal Decree on the Protection of the Astronomical Quality of the Observatories

Name of Act
Royal Decree 243/1992 which approves the Regulation of Law 31/1988, of October 31, on the protection of the astronomical quality of the observatories of the Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands
Date of Adoption
EU Member

The purpose of this Regulation is to establish the conditions and tolerable limits of all factors that appear to degrade the astronomical quality of the sky over the areas surrounding the observatories.

Law of the Sky

Name of Act
Law on Protection of the Astronomical Quality of the Observatories of the Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands
Date of Adoption
EU Member

Outdoor lighting, the installation and operation of stations and the establishment of industries, activities or services that produce atmospheric pollution, as well as other factors that prove degrading to the atmospheric quality of the observatories on the island of La Palma will be subject to the limitations established in this Law. Law 31/1988, of October 31, establishes a set of measures aimed at guaranteeing the notable quality of the observatories of the Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands, following the recommendations of the International Astronomical Union. These measures determine certain limitations regarding outdoor lighting, the installation and operation of radio stations and the establishment of industries, activities that potentially pollute the atmosphere.

Royal Decree on Energy Efficiency in Outdoor Lighting Installations

Name of Act
Royal Decree on energy efficiency in outdoor lighting installations
Date of Adoption
EU Member

The purpose of this regulation is to establish the technical conditions for design, execution, and maintenance that outdoor lighting installations must meet, in order to: improve energy efficiency and savings, as well as reduce greenhouse gas emissions; limit nighttime light glare or light pollution and reduce intrusive or disturbing light.

Law on Air Quality and Protection of the Atmosphere

Name of Act
Law on Air Quality and Protection of the Atmosphere
Date of Adoption
EU Member

Art.3 (f) "Light pollution": The nighttime luminous glow or brightness produced by the diffusion and reflection of light in gases, aerosols and particles suspended in the atmosphere, which alters the natural conditions of nighttime hours and possibility of astronomical observations of celestial objects; and the natural brightness, attributable to the radiation of celestial sources or objects and the luminescence of the upper layers of the atmosphere, must be distinguished from the luminous glow due to the light sources installed in the exterior lighting