light pollution definition
Air Protection Act
This law defines light pollution as visible radiation from artificial light sources, which can annoy people or animals and cause them harm or disrupt some of their activities. How light sources are located is crucial for the intensity of light pollution. The Act allows a municipality (Section 50 (3)(c)) to issue a generally binding decree adopting measures to reduce light pollution. These measures should be aimed at regulating the projection of neon signs and impacts on dark skies.
Law on Air Quality and Protection of the Atmosphere
Art.3 (f) "Light pollution": The nighttime luminous glow or brightness produced by the diffusion and reflection of light in gases, aerosols and particles suspended in the atmosphere, which alters the natural conditions of nighttime hours and possibility of astronomical observations of celestial objects; and the natural brightness, attributable to the radiation of celestial sources or objects and the luminescence of the upper layers of the atmosphere, must be distinguished from the luminous glow due to the light sources installed in the exterior lighting