technical regulations

Decree on Establishing Standards for the Regulation of Light Pollution

Name of Act
Decree N43 on establishing Standards for the Regulation of Light Pollution
Date of Adoption
EU Member

This regulation was adopted in 2012 and was at the beginning applied only in the Atacama, Antofagasta and Coquimbo regions (north). In 2023, new amendments were approved, extending this regulation to the entire national territory, including new technical requirements and the incorporation of biodiversity as an object of protection.

Law on the Prevention of Light Pollution

Name of Act
Law 6/2006 on the prevention of Light Pollution
Date of Adoption
EU Member

The purpose of this Law is to regulate lighting installations and devices to prevent and, where appropriate, reduce light pollution in the territory of the Autonomous Community of Cantabria, as well as promote the efficiency and energy savings of lighting systems, and all this without compromising the safety that lighting must provide to pedestrians, vehicles and property.

Royal Decree on Energy Efficiency in Outdoor Lighting Installations

Name of Act
Royal Decree on energy efficiency in outdoor lighting installations
Date of Adoption
EU Member

The purpose of this regulation is to establish the technical conditions for design, execution, and maintenance that outdoor lighting installations must meet, in order to: improve energy efficiency and savings, as well as reduce greenhouse gas emissions; limit nighttime light glare or light pollution and reduce intrusive or disturbing light.