D. Frederick, P. Hagaman, and B. Taylor v. Allegheny Twp. ZHB v. CNX Gas Company, LLC. v. Allegheny Twp. v. J.H. Slike and A.E. Slike, Northmoreland Farms LP v. M. Golembeiwski
Residential neighbors challenged ordinance which allowed oil and gas operations and permit issued for a gas well nearby pursuant to the ordinance. The Court held that landowners failed to establish that natural gas drilling was incompatible within the zoning district or that the ordinance violated Environmental Rights Amendment to Pennsylvania Constitution; Zoning board was not required to perform pre-enactment environmental studies.
Residential neighbors challenged zoning ordinance which allowed oil and gas operations and permit issued for a gas well nearby pursuant to the ordinance. Some of the objections of the neighbors were that the zoning ordinance did not adeuately protect the local water supply, limit noise, or reduce light pollution.