lighting plan

Regulation on Limit Values of Light Pollution

Name of Act
Regulation on limit values of light pollution of the environment
Date of Adoption
EU Member

This regulation provides for the protection of nature from the harmful effects of light pollution, the protection of living spaces from disturbing illumination due to the lighting of uncovered surfaces, the protection of people from glare, the protection of astronomical observations from the glare of the sky and for the reduction of the consumption of electricity from light sources that cause light pollution.

Regulation on Lighting Plan

Name of Act
Regulation on the Content, Format and Method of Creating a Lighting Plan and an Action Plan for the Construction and/or Reconstruction of Outdoor Lighting
Date of Adoption
EU Member

This Ordinance prescribes the content, format and method of delivery of the lighting plan (hereinafter: the Plan) and the action plan for the construction and/or reconstruction of outdoor lighting (hereinafter: the Action Plan), the method of informing the public about the Plans and Action Plans, the method of submitting data for the needs of the environmental and nature protection information system, as well as other related issues.