The plaintiffs filed suit against the City of Buffalo for a preliminary injunction to enjoin the City of Buffalo from taking any actions toward approval or action upon the agreement about the land sale to the Seneca Nation of Indians for the building of a casino, alleging that an appropriate environmental review was not undertaken, and citing concerns about increased traffic, air pollution, light pollution, and noise from the construction of the casino. The Court denied the plaintiffs' motion for a preliminary injunction.
Plaintiffs either live or work within 2 blocks of land purchased by the Seneca Nation of Indians (the Nation) from the City of Buffalo for the development of a gaming casino. The plaintiffs filed suit against the City of Buffalo for a preliminary injunction to enjoin the City from taking any actions toward approval or action upon the agreement about the land sale to the Nation for the building of a casino, alleging that an appropriate environmental review was not undertaken, and cited concerns about increased traffic, air pollution, light pollution, and noise from the construction of the casino.